Paramount Mergers and Acquisitions

TransValue Merger & Acquisition Advisors provides advice to middle market business owners that want to sell their business or buy another.  These are businesses with $2,000,000 to $10,000,000 in sales. Here are the services we offer. We sell privately owned businesses, primarily on a commission basis.  We will help owners plan for the sale so their business is ready to sell when the owner wants to sell it. We can help a business execute a “grow by acquisitions” strategy. Finally, we can provide business valuations. These services are described in more detail elsewhere on this website. Or, contact us for more information.

Almost every day, you read about mega-deals, business sales for high prices in which multiple buyers are outbidding each other to acquire a business. If you are a typical business owner, you want the same type of deal when you sell your business. We can help you achieve these results. We use our M&A Process to maximize the selling price of the businesses we sell. But, unlike the deals you read about, we will keep your sale confidential.

Businesses do not always sell for the highest price. The business may have problems that stop buyers from making an offer. We help owners prepare their business for sale. Long before the planned sale date, the owner can work on fixing any problems so they are gone when he wants to sell the business. We can also help the owner execute a “grow by acquisitions” strategy to increase the revenues, profits, and selling price — of the business further.

Sarah Grossman



Marc Gudema

